JustSpeechie, LLC
Let's Talk
Let us help you help your child to effectively communicate and succeed. We offer tele-therapy for the entire state of South Carolina, Utah and face to face services for families in the following counties:
Berkeley ,Charleston and Dorchester.
Call to schedule a free consultation
Now accepting new patients.

Does your child have any of the following?
Says fewer than nine words by 16 months?
Says fewer than 50 words by the age 2?
Trouble saying two-word sentences by age 2?
Trouble saying three-word sentences by age 3?
Trouble identifying common items or following simple commands?
Trouble pronouncing certain sounds?
Is their speech hard to understand?
Do they stutter when they speak?
"My child has one or more signs"
If you answered yes to any of the questions, your child may benefit from speech therapy services. At Just Speechie, LLC we work closely with each family's child to provide personalized and realistic goals. Just Speechie, LLC focuses on providing services in a fun and motivated approach that will allow you and your child to utilize the techniques on a daily basis.
Just Speechie, LLC has Your Back!

It's That Simple?!
At the comfort of your home. Avoid traffic and waiting at the office. Instant booking.

Your Time
Your Place
After school? Early morning? Grandma's house? No problem. we will work with you to schedule times that are convenient to YOU.

Build Trust
Personalized treatment plans. Research-based strategies. Unlimited communication with your therapist. HIPAA compliant video platform. Secure payment.
How It Works
Individualized speech and language therapy are conducted in homes, child care centers in the area of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties in South Carolina and teletherapy within the entire states of South Carolina and Utah. Duration and frequency of sessions are determined case by case.
Certified. Responsive. Compassionate.